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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday Funday: Thumbtack Wall Quote

So I have this ginormous blank space above my TV in the living room, $0 budget, and zero inspiration.

<Insert Pinterest>

I pinned this awhile back because I thought it was neat but had no idea how I would incorporate this as a design element into my current design theme.  Sooo...I thought I'd do the very overdone and unoriginal vinyl quote on my wall above the TV; something really lame like "Home is where the heart is" or Home Sweet Home".  But I have painted wood paneling with weird grooves so even professional vinyl decals look like I free-handed the script while drinking heavily.

Then, I thought thumbtacks again.  So I started a plan.  I just needed a quote, a butt load of thumbtacks, and a projector.  Guess what I don't own and don't want to buy?  Bingo.  A projector.

I googled and found this article about making a projector.  Let me save you some trouble.  This did not work and I firmly believe it is the internet's cruel trick on those of us who think our iPhone can do everything.

I decided to just print out my quote in banner form, tape it to the wall, pin through it, then rip the paper out as suggested by Goose. would have worked great except the paper wouldn't rip out.  Fail.  And honestly, I didn't take a picture because I had given up on this stupid project and didn't think I'd be blogging about my failure.

But Goose came to the rescue and traced the center of the font with an craft knife so I'd have a guide to follow.  Love that man!

Then I came to the revelation that I couldn't push in the thumbtacks with my thumb because of aforementioned wood paneling so a hammer was necessary.  And a man.  To use the hammer.  Because I'll drop it on the TV I was too lazy to move before this project started.

It took approximately 1,200 tacks, all afternoon, and ALL my patience. 

And here's the finished product:

My quote is "A chaque oiseau, son nid est beau" which translates into "To every bird, their own nest is beautiful."  Goose says it translates into "She who likes to DIY will be pulling all those tacks out by herself". The font is Altast Greeting and size 550 in Word.

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